Monday, November 21, 2011

Thankful for a classmate

You guys should know by now that I could care less about any of you. no offense. What I'm trying to say is that my enjoyment of the class is not made from other people but from my own happiness. regardless of who is in the room I will think the same, act the same, feel the same and enjoy it the same. I have never relied on others to form my happiness. I made my happiness myself. this could be the most boring class with the worst teacher ever but I will be the one to decide whether or not I enjoy myself, no one else. However if I make your class experience better, then that's great. If I make your class experience awful, then that sucks for you. I will tell you guys this now if you don't already know it. I am roughly 4 years older then all of you guys so I can only see your comments or antics as those of children still in bliss, children who have yet to learn the harshness of reality. But that's not bad at all. In actuality that is great. enjoy your youth, enjoy the comfort from your parents. Because when you hit a certain age life seems to care less about you. I'm not Completely on my own yet but I'm pretty close and life is already harder... way harder. but i digress. I am thankful for the class in itself, not the classmates or the teacher.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Cormac Mcarthy What is the road

The Road is a book that is meant open the readers mind to creativity. The deatails of the event that caused the apoaclypse where left out for this very reason. The book also shows Cormac's view on the direction our world is heading. The book shows what horrible things that we can do if ther were no laws. A lawless world invokes chaos. Chaos invokes death. Drath invokes suffering and hopelessness. Cormac is saying that the greed of human kind will be our downfall. Although there is still a hint of light in our burnt souls hence the main characters are manifistations the kindness and love the human heart can have. And it shows that we are not born evil but made evil. The boy is a representation of this.