Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dragonforce-Through the fire and the flames

One of the most amazing songs I have ever heard. The talent behind the guitarists are outstanding. And towards the middle of the song there is a solo battle. In essence the song is pretty easy to learn if you understand the guitar. The only difficult part is the speed of the song. There is a rumor that the recordings of Dragonforce songs are sped up. Some people say so because at concerts all of their songs are played at 20 BPM slower. If that is a fact then I guess the song can be played easily.

Theres not much else I can tell you about it. Here, listen Through the fire and the flames
If you plan on playing the song use a BC Rich or a Jackson guitar with EMG pickups and a Line 6 Spider 4 amplifier.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winter poem "My heart is the mountain."

We scale the slope of the mountain
Not knowing the risks that we're taking.
The rocks are sharp, unforgiving
The scars they give, everlasting.
The wind chill is 30 below
almost as cold as our hearts
No remorse for our decisions
Only the goal in our thoughts
With pick axe in hand we climb high
Our goal... the sky.
I'm still climbing this mountain
The goal not yet in my site.
An endless slope of frozen dreams
All to cold to free them
An icy mirror of broken themes
One slip is what will end them
love's embrace long forgotten
I keep on climbing
My soul is black within
I'm just slowly dying.

Monday, December 12, 2011

JD Holy Sh!%

Okay so this JD guy wrote this book called catcher in the rye. good book. anyway, JD went nuts and dissapeared from society, which I find silly. How could he get call of duty or gears of war without society. Crazy stuff. He did not like all of the attention of the world apperantly.
 Doesn't he kinda look like what you would imagine holden to look like? Check the internet. This man was definately a talented arthor. His paranoia caused him to leave society. On a random note isn't sushi great? I love a good plate of sushi. Raw fish... thats what he was like. A raw fish that was dead but not quite smelly. He died when he ran.I say deal with it. Deal with fans, deal with groupies (I definately would XD), deal with life. You wrote a damngood book. If I had your fame I would sit on my ass and do nothing all day. Well have fun in the afterlife JD.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thankful for a classmate

You guys should know by now that I could care less about any of you. no offense. What I'm trying to say is that my enjoyment of the class is not made from other people but from my own happiness. regardless of who is in the room I will think the same, act the same, feel the same and enjoy it the same. I have never relied on others to form my happiness. I made my happiness myself. this could be the most boring class with the worst teacher ever but I will be the one to decide whether or not I enjoy myself, no one else. However if I make your class experience better, then that's great. If I make your class experience awful, then that sucks for you. I will tell you guys this now if you don't already know it. I am roughly 4 years older then all of you guys so I can only see your comments or antics as those of children still in bliss, children who have yet to learn the harshness of reality. But that's not bad at all. In actuality that is great. enjoy your youth, enjoy the comfort from your parents. Because when you hit a certain age life seems to care less about you. I'm not Completely on my own yet but I'm pretty close and life is already harder... way harder. but i digress. I am thankful for the class in itself, not the classmates or the teacher.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Cormac Mcarthy What is the road

The Road is a book that is meant open the readers mind to creativity. The deatails of the event that caused the apoaclypse where left out for this very reason. The book also shows Cormac's view on the direction our world is heading. The book shows what horrible things that we can do if ther were no laws. A lawless world invokes chaos. Chaos invokes death. Drath invokes suffering and hopelessness. Cormac is saying that the greed of human kind will be our downfall. Although there is still a hint of light in our burnt souls hence the main characters are manifistations the kindness and love the human heart can have. And it shows that we are not born evil but made evil. The boy is a representation of this.

Friday, September 23, 2011

sinners in the hands of an angry god

The puritans are hypicritcal idiots. They are prideful envious selfish fools. The salem witch hunts are the perfect proof of this. They are so quick to kill each other off in order to save themselves. I don't understand the idiocy of it. They say that god is to be feared. Thats nonsense. They think that God and the Devil can directly or will directly interfere in their day to day life. God sets a goal in front of us. What we do in between is our doing. The devil can only give temptations to sin, he can't kill anyone. and the Puritans took his bait like starving fish.

the fools

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

There goes the neighnorhood.

It is pretty obvious what happened when the colonist came. plenty of native americans were murdered. everyone shoould know the history of the Europians. They search, they find, they take, and they kill. They had surpior technology (if you can call that prehistoric crap technology). they made the best of their situation and went really far. But like all things come to an end, so did the Europian reign. The original America is gone and will probably never come back. this land was ripped of it's soul and was turn into this awful disgusting thing it is now. I will take from this land what I can while I can so that this world will seem less awful and cold.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Hello my name is Harlan. Unlike the rest of you I am here for my 5th year. I failed my first and second year becasue I decided to goof off. I'm not trying to be the role-model guy. just don't F up. Back to introductions. I play music. I know how to play several instruments some better than other. these include guitar, piano, bass, bongo's and drums, ocarina and a little violin. I would have to say that my best skill lies in either my guitar or piano. I have several guitars but out of all guitars i have one that just blows my heart out. it's my bc rich warbeast trace. 24 frets rosewood fret board with emerald inlines complete with two humbucker pickups and a set of bottom heavy sleek ernieball strings. just look at the beauty of it. it makes me cry every time i see it. well thats me in a nutshell.